A Step-By-Step Guide To The Surrogacy Process

Surrogacy is a wonderful way for intended parents to expand their family when they are unable to conceive. Surrogacy is a legal arrangement between a woman and a family, where she agrees to carry and give birth on behalf of the family. Surrogacy is legally complex and often involves detailed contracts to protect the rights of the surrogate, the child, and the intended family. Most intended parents choose to work with an international surrogacy center to help them navigate this process. 

To help you better understand surrogacy and how it can help you grow your family, here is the complete surrogacy process step by step:

1.Consult A Fertility Specialist

Gestational surrogacy is the most common form of surrogacy and involves in vitro fertilization (IVF). If you are pursuing gestational surrogacy, you will start by consulting a fertility specialist. They will assess all the medical conditions that affect fertility and discuss potential fertility treatments. The specialist will guide the medical procedures necessary for surrogacy.

2.Choose A Reputable International Surrogacy Center

Next, you will need to choose an international surrogacy center. An international surrogacy agency ensures the surrogacy process is completely ethical. They provide legal, medical, and emotional support throughout the entire process. Surrogacy agencies help you find a suitable surrogate, arrange all the necessary medical procedures, and handle the legal paperwork​​.

3.Select A Surrogate

Then, you will select a surrogate. There are two primary types of surrogacy. The first is altruistic, which is the most common type. Altruistic surrogacy is where a family member, friend, or volunteer offers to carry the baby to term. The second is a commercial where surrogacy professionals help intending parents find a surrogate. Commercial surrogates are highly vetted. They are women who want to bless families with children. They often have children of their own and enjoy pregnancy. They go through medical, psychological, and background screening and have support from the surrogacy center through the entire process. 

4.Complete All Legal Agreements

The international surrogacy center will help you complete all the necessary legal documents before the pregnancy. Completing them before the pregnancy ensures the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of all parties involved—intended parents, surrogate, and the surrogacy center–are clearly outlined. They also cover compensation and steps to handle potential complications during the pregnancy.

5.Begin The Medical Procedures

The next step usually begins with fertility treatments such as IVF to create embryos to transfer to the surrogate’s uterus. Depending on the arrangement, this may involve using the intended parent’s genetic material or donated eggs or sperm​. If not, the surrogacy agency can help find a donor. 

6.Make Pregnancy Care Arrangements

Once the surrogate is pregnant, medical care is essential. The international surrogacy center works with the surrogate to provide regular medical check-ups, nutritional planning, and psychological support. The center’s priority is to protect the health and happiness of both the surrogate and your developing baby​. The surrogacy center keeps parents updated consistently throughout the pregnancy.

7.Prepare For The Child’s Birth

Parents can then begin planning for the child’s birth. Preparation includes fun things like decorating the nursery and some serious logistics planning. Parents need to choose the hospital, plan for any travel if the surrogate lives far away, and make sure they understand the process. Surrogacy agencies take you through the surrogacy process step by step, so you’ll know what you need to prepare.

8.Establish Parental Rights At Birth

Once the child is born, the parents must take the proper legal steps. The legal steps vary by jurisdiction, type of surrogacy, and your surrogacy contract. The surrogacy center will help with any court procedures or legal filings in advance with the assistance of specialized legal professionals.

9.Obtain Travel Documentation For Your Newborn

If you have opted for international surrogacy, you will need the necessary travel documentation for your newborn. Depending on your country, the documentation may include a passport or a visa. You may also have to obtain a birth certificate and potentially deal with consulates or embassies. Your international surrogacy center will guide you through every step of this process. Don’t worry. 

10.Bring Your Child Home

Finally, once you complete all the paperwork, you finally get to bring your new baby home. You may need a little support on the journey home as new parents but don’t worry. Your international surrogacy center will take care of everything. That way, you can focus on the joy of becoming a new parent.

Surmom international surrogacy center is here to help you through the surrogacy process step by step. Our surrogacy experts work with surrogates around the world to find the best match for your family. With a staff of medical, legal, and psychological experts, you get holistic care throughout the process. Contact us today to get started on your surrogacy journey.