In Which Countries Is It Legal to Go Through Surrogacy as a Single Parent?

If you are a single parent who aspires to build a family, you may be questioning the accessibility and feasibility of surrogacy for single parents. 

Let’s dive right into the legal framework that governs single parent surrogacy in different countries and explore the opportunities and challenges often faced by those seeking international surrogacy arrangements.

What Is Single Parent Surrogacy?

Single parent surrogacy simply refers to the process where a single individual, without a partner, engages a surrogate mother to carry and deliver a child on their behalf. This approach to family planning and building offers hope and fulfillment to those who want to become parents despite being single. 

However, the legality of single parent surrogacy is different around the world. Some countries embrace it, while others find ways to restrict or prohibit the process altogether.

The Legal Framework: Single Parent Surrogacy Legal Countries

Here is a brief rundown of single parent surrogacy legal countries that you may find as you do your research and due diligence. 

United States

In the US, single parent surrogacy is widely practiced and legally recognized in many states. States like California, Nevada, and Illinois, for example, have established favorable legal frameworks that allow single individuals, regardless of their marital status, to pursue surrogacy arrangements. 

However, it’s important to note that these regulations may vary from state to state, and prospective parents need to be sure they navigate state-specific laws and requirements.


Ukraine is a popular destination for international surrogacy, including for single parents. The country has relatively affordable surrogacy programs coupled with supportive legal frameworks. Single individuals can engage in surrogacy arrangements in Ukraine with relatively fewer legal hurdles compared to some other jurisdictions.


Greece has established regulations that permit single individuals to pursue surrogacy arrangements within its borders. The country offers a greatly supportive legal environment for surrogacy. This kind of support allows single parents to realize their dream of parenthood through assisted reproductive technologies, even without a partner.


Georgia has gained a lot of positive attention as a surrogacy-friendly destination. And this positive attention and support also extends to single parents as well. With its favorable legal framework and relatively lower costs compared to Western countries, Georgia has become an attractive option for single individuals seeking surrogacy.


While surrogacy in Russia is legal, the legal landscape can be complex and subject to change, as it has recently. So, single individuals may face certain restrictions or additional requirements when pursuing surrogacy in Russia. Prospective parents should seek legal guidance and stay informed about any regulatory changes.


While Mexico doesn’t have nationwide legislation that explicitly addresses surrogacy, some states within Mexico have established legal frameworks that permit surrogacy arrangements, including for single parents. For example, Tabasco and Sinaloa have been known as states where surrogacy has been practiced, including for singles.


The constitution of Colombia recognizes that same-sex couples and single parents also want access to surrogacy and other similar ART procedures. For this reason, the law protects these groups from any kind of discrimination. 


Currently, surrogacy in Argentina is not prohibited but no clear legal frameworks have yet been created. However, today, commercial surrogacy for single parents is a possibility in the country.

Challenges and Considerations

While single parent surrogacy may be legally permitted in certain countries, there are still many challenges and considerations you will want to be mindful of. 

  • Legal Variability: The legal status of single parent surrogacy can vary within countries, depending on local regulations and cultural attitudes towards assisted reproduction.
  • Financial Implications: Surrogacy can be a costly process and involves expenses such as medical procedures, legal fees, and compensation for the surrogate mother. Single individuals should carefully consider the financial implications before starting their surrogacy journey.
  • Ethical Concerns: Surrogacy raises ethical questions regarding the welfare of the surrogate mother and the child. Everyone involved in the surrogacy process needs to prioritize ethical practices.

Single parent surrogacy is yet another pathway to parenthood for individuals who are not married and don’t have a partner. While the legal landscape surrounding surrogacy varies from country to country, there are some jurisdictions where single people can pursue surrogacy arrangements with ease. 

By understanding the legal framework involved and considering all the challenges that may pop up, single parents can begin making more informed decisions as they start their journey toward parenthood through surrogacy.