The Best Tips: How To Find A Surrogate Mother

When expanding your family, you have choices if you are unable to conceive. One of the most popular options is surrogacy. However, many prospective parents don’t really know where to start when it comes to finding a surrogate mother. If you’re considering surrogacy and are not sure where to start, here is how to find a surrogate mother.

Key Factors To Consider When Choosing A Surrogate Mother

Surrogacy is very complex. Successful surrogacy requires knowledge of the law, medical procedures, and, of course, how to become a parent. With the amount of expertise required for success, it is always best to work with a surrogate mother agency. A surrogate mother agency understands all the medical and legal implications involved in surrogacy. They guide how to find a surrogate mother, how to ensure the mother and baby get medical care, and how to get through all the complex legal documents. If you are looking for a surrogate, here are key factors to consider:

  • Health And Medical History: The surrogate’s overall health and medical history are paramount. She should have a proven track record of healthy pregnancies and deliveries without complications. She’ll also need to undergo thorough medical screenings, including physical exams and tests, to assess if she is able to safely carry a pregnancy to term.
  • Psychological Stability: Mental health is just as important as physical health, especially in an emotionally complex process like surrogacy. The surrogate should undergo psychological screening to ensure she is mentally prepared for the emotional complexities of carrying and then handing over a baby to the intended parents. Stability, resilience, and a supportive environment are crucial traits.
  • Legal Eligibility: Different countries and states have varying legal requirements for surrogacy. It’s important to ensure that the surrogate meets these legal criteria to avoid potential legal issues down the line. Eligibility includes things like her age, residency status, and whether she has had children previously.
  • Lifestyle, Support, And Environment: The surrogate’s lifestyle should support a healthy pregnancy. They should eat a nutritious diet, be in a smoke-free and alcohol-free environment, and get regular exercise. The surrogate’s immediate environment should also be stable and supportive, as stress can impact pregnancy outcomes.

Beyond these important factors, the rest is just a gut feeling. You will know when you meet the right surrogate. 

Six Tips For Finding The Perfect Surrogate Match

If you’ve decided surrogacy is the right family plan for you, here are six tips for how to find a surrogate mother:

1.Work With A Surrogate Mother Agency

Always work with a surrogate mother agency. These agencies have experience and expertise in matching intended parents with surrogates who meet specific criteria, including health, psychological readiness, and legal clearances. They know exactly how to find a surrogate mother. They’ll handle all essential screenings and provide a buffer in managing relationships and expectations.

2.Make A Surrogacy Plan

Before you start looking for a surrogate, create a detailed surrogacy plan. Your surrogacy plan should outline your preferences for the surrogacy process, such as the type of surrogacy (gestational or traditional), involvement level during the pregnancy, budget, and legal considerations. A clear plan helps align your expectations with potential surrogates and guides your decisions throughout the journey.

3.Start Your Search Right Away

Initiate your surrogate search as soon as you decide surrogacy is right for your family. The process of finding and matching with a surrogate can be lengthy and involves interviews, legal agreements, and medical screenings. Starting as early as possible gives you a better chance to carefully select a surrogate who aligns well with your needs and expectations.

4.Expand Your Search Internationally

Consider looking beyond your own country to find a surrogate. International surrogacy can offer more options and sometimes more favorable legal or financial conditions. However, it’s important to be aware of and effectively navigate the legal complexities and ethical considerations of surrogacy in different countries.

5.Be Honest About Your Journey

Honesty is crucial when discussing your journey with potential surrogates. Share your motivations, experiences, and expectations openly. Being transparent helps build trust with your surrogate and that she is comfortable with and supportive of your path to parenthood.

6.Keep An Open Mind

Stay open to different possibilities as you search for a surrogate. Be flexible about aspects such as the surrogate’s location, background, and even some of your initial preferences. Staying open to new possibilities will broaden your pool of potential matches and lead to a more successful surrogacy arrangement.

If you are wondering how to find a surrogate mother, contact our surrogacy experts at Surmom. With our global operations and strong reputation, our surrogate mother agency has a wide pool of surrogate candidates and potential egg donors. We’ll search the world to find you the perfect surrogate match.