Your Comprehensive Guide To Finding A Surrogate Mother: Steps, Tips, And Insights

Surrogacy is a wonderful option for adding a baby to your family. However, it can be challenging to find a surrogate mother. Most intended parents don’t even know where to find a surrogate. Luckily, our surrogacy experts are here to help. If you’re considering surrogacy, here are some options for finding a surrogate mother to carry your child. 

Work With A Surrogacy Agency

Surrogacy agencies work with both families who are looking to grow and women who want to become surrogates. International surrogacy agencies especially have a large bank of potential surrogates, along with potential egg donors. Surrogacy agencies are not only crucial in finding a surrogate mother, but they can help you find a low cost surrogate mother, too. When you hire an agency, they take care of everything, including: 

  • Matching Services: Connects intended parents with suitable surrogate candidates.
  • Screening Process: Conducts thorough medical, psychological, and background checks on surrogates.
  • Legal Support: Provides legal guidance around surrogacy laws and facilitates legal documentation and contracts.
  • Medical Coordination: Arranges and manages fertility treatments, prenatal care, and delivery.
  • Financial Management: Offers a clear breakdown of costs and manages payments between parties.
  • Counseling Services: Provides emotional and psychological support to surrogates and intended parents.
  • Logistical Support: Handles travel arrangements and appointment scheduling for all parties involved.
  • Ongoing Communication: Facilitates communication between the surrogate and the intended parents throughout the process.
  • Post-Birth Support: Assists with legal paperwork and supports the surrogate’s recovery after childbirth.

Surrogacy agencies are with you through the entire process, from finding a surrogate mother to post-birth care for all involved. 

Create A Surrogacy Plan

Once you have hired a surrogacy agency, you can begin creating your surrogacy plan. A surrogacy plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, preferences, and legal and logistical arrangements for your surrogacy. Your surrogacy plan ensures that all parties have clear expectations and are well-prepared for the steps involved in achieving a successful surrogacy outcome. A surrogacy plan helps you with finding a surrogate mother because it helps you identify what is important to you. Here is how to create a surrogacy plan: 

1.Research and understand the legal landscape of surrogacy in your intended location. Consult with your surrogacy agency to learn more.

2.Determine your budget for the entire surrogacy process, including agency fees, surrogate compensation, medical costs, legal fees, and any unforeseen expenses. 

3.Decide between traditional and gestational surrogacy based on your needs and legal advice. 

4.Specify the criteria for your surrogate. Consider factors like health history, location, lifestyle, and willingness to communicate. 

5.Decide the level of relationship and communication you wish to have with your surrogate before, during, and after the pregnancy.

6.Plan for thorough medical and psychological screening processes for potential surrogates, aligned with best practices and legal requirements.

7.Prepare for potential challenges or changes, including medical complications or legal issues.

When making your plan, clearly define why you are opting for surrogacy and what you hope to achieve. Consider aspects like the genetic connection to the child, the timeline, and your involvement during the pregnancy.

How Do You Know When A Surrogate Mother Is Right?

There is no one right way to know when you’ve found the right surrogate mother. Usually, it will be a gut feeling you have about the person. However, some signs can show you that you’ve met your match:

1.They Have Good Health And Medical History: The surrogate should be physically healthy with a proven track record of at least one uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. She must undergo a comprehensive medical examination, including psychological screening, to ensure she is mentally and physically prepared for the process.

2.They Understand And Agree To The Contract: The surrogate and the intended parents should be in complete agreement on the legal terms outlined in their contract. Your contract should cover all aspects of the surrogacy arrangement, including parental rights, financial arrangements, and steps to take under various potential scenarios.

3.They Have A Compatible Lifestyle For Surrogacy: The surrogate’s lifestyle should be healthy and free of bad habits. Her environment should also support a healthy pregnancy, with access to prenatal care and a supportive home environment.

4.They Are Emotionally Stable: Surrogacy can be emotionally challenging. The ideal surrogate should demonstrate emotional resilience and stability. Psychological evaluations and ongoing counseling can help assess and support this.

5.They Have A Strong Support System: A strong support system is crucial. The surrogate should have a network of family or friends who support her decision and can provide emotional and practical support throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period.

Finding a surrogate mother can be a major challenge, but following these tips will help you find the right match. Surmom is here to help. We can pair you with a low cost surrogate mother that meets all of your criteria. We’ll also guide you through the entire process so that you can focus on the excitement of becoming new parents.